Three days ago, we had no intention of ripping out our faithful but worn
berber carpet. Then my husband went to the hardware store and saw a sale on plank flooring. It was such a good price, we decided to buy it and keep it in the garage for a few months until we had the time and the inclination to do it. We picked up the flooring and went home to survey how we would proceed with the work we would have to do to install said flooring and the next thing you know, we were ripping and tearing and moving all the furniture and smalls out of the room. Which leads me to my sad news about the gold-coloured pitcher you see in the photo. I took the picture because I love to see other people's posts about their creations and home
renovations in progress and thought I would do a similar post.
But our kitty cat, Baby Finn, wanted to see what was new on the shelf and jumped up to get a look. A second later, the ringed jug was in a number of pieces on the floor. I thought of chronicling that with a photo but then I'd feel bad whenever I looked at it. I prefer to remember it in its perfection, as in the photo.
The items in the following photo remained intact because I moved them out of Baby Finn's perching spot.

Can't wait to see the new flooring which should be done on Saturday.