Saturday, February 16, 2008

Organizing Recipes into Binders

I was inspired by a recent post by Manuela at The Feathered Nest about making up recipe binders. And since I couldn't go out because I had a very bad head cold, I decided to drag out the recipes that I had copied and torn out of magazines over the past few years. I didn't have any pretty wallpaper like Manuela's so I decided to scan in some of the old handwritten recipes I had collected to insert into the binder covers. Here is an example of one of them. I even found a recipe that my mother had written out before she had her stroke and loss the use of her right arm. That one is a keeper for sure.

For the inside of the binder, I pretty much organized the recipes in the same way as Manuela. I found some sites that cater to files and organization in case some of you want to order pretty organizers. See Jane Work has many types of files and folders in lots of pretty patterns and styles. At Personal Recipe Cards you can order index cards for recipes and other types of cards for keeping track of all kinds of information. I would love to see pictures of your recipe binders and hear how you file your recipes!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Just in time for Valentine's Day

Perfect timing, my packet of winnings came arrived today from The Paris Apartment.
Thank you again, Claudia!

Guess who loves it all besides me?
--- I wasn't happy with my pictures of my recipe binders. Going to reshoot and try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

... more snow

I meant to add some photos of my recently organized recipe binders complete with scanned covers from my old recipe collection but my batteries needed charging so I have to wait to take the pictures. In the meantime, here's our snowy yard. And as I write this, the wind is raging and more snow is swirling down.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Not another collection ...

How does this happen? First I bought a little blank book at Pottery Barn to carry in my purse for when I need to make a little note or jot down a phone number - never mind that I have a Palm digital thing to make notes - then I saw another notebook that I liked at Winners. I love what that one says on the cover 'She had not yet decided whether to use her power for good or evil'. It was a toss up between one that said 'Somebody was going to have to set a bad example' and this one; they both just made me smile. Anyway, that made two blank booklets, then I found the third, the nice blue one at a newsstand where I was looking to add to my magazine collection ...
The pretty journal in the background is just lovely - too nice to write in and I probably will just keep it to look at and sigh periodically. So now I have a collection of notebooks. Is this how collections happen with you too? ... Next time, maybe I'll show you my pens. Not that they're special, it's just that there are bunches of them in every room in our house.


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